Reinstatement commences on site I visited the mill on Friday September 3rd 2004 and observed that the restored buck in skeletal form had been assembled adjacent to the round house of the mill. It was clear that some of the timber was original with new pieces inserted where necessary. A telescopic crane was also on site ready to lift the buck on to the post of the mill. I learnt from Paul Sellwood, the foreman from I.J.P. that once the buck was in position, further work on the structure would commence. All the internal machinery will be assembled into the mill and the tailpole will also be fitted, together with a discreet automatic winding device to keep the mill into wind. Other work to be carried out includes covering the buck with timber as well as a metal cladding to reflect the condition the mill was in when it ceased working, and four sweeps will be fitted. The re-instatement of the Hammond's Patent Sweep Governor, currently at Jill Mill, Clayton was also mentioned.
Lifting the cross tree that is to be lowered into the buck on the ground, behind the scaffolding [Taken at 9.09 am on 7/9/04]
Plans to insert the cross tree into the skeleton buck and lift the complete buck on to the post was arranged to take place on Tuesday September 7th 2004. When I arrived at the mill there was a lorry with a trailer attached containing the rebuilt cap parked in a nearby lay by, another lorry parked to the west of the mill containing the windshaft with the brakewheel and tailwheel fitted to it, and the crown tree was on the ground next to the roundhouse and near the telescopic crane, which was going to be used for the lift. Unfortunately due to the strong winds it was not possible to lift the buck, but during the morning the cross tree was fitted and after a few modifications to the hursting for the stones, this was also fitted.
Lowering the windshaft, complete with brakewheel and tailwheel onto the ground [Taken at 11.20 am on 7/9/04]
Assembling the crosstree into the buck [Taken at 12.35 pm on 7/9/04]
On Thursday September 16th on a calm sunny morning following the rain and storms earlier in the week, the buck of the mill was lifted on to the post. Just before 9 a.m., with the straps connected, the crane commenced lifting the 8 ton skeleton buck up and over the scaffolding surrounding the mill. With many mill enthusiasts watching, the buck was lowered gently into place on the post, which was completed by 9.50 a.m. after a few adjustments. Later in the morning four millstones were lifted and placed in the buck one at a time. The plan for the rest of the day was to lift and fit the windshaft assembly, followed by the fitting of the cap. On Meridian Tonight, the ITV Local News Bulletin for the South East, a feature on the lifting of the buck and a background to the project was presented the same evening.
Raising the buck, complete with tree branch, a sign of good luck, over the scaffolding around the mill base [Taken at 9.01 am on 16/9/04]
Carefully lowering the buck into the scaffolding and on to the post [Taken at 9.30 am on 16/9/04]
One of the four millstones being raised ready to be lowered into the buck of the mill [Taken at 10.32 am on 16/9/04]
        The fitting of the Stocks and Sweeps
        Opening Times
